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December 20, 2022
Plan B goes in action from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

Yep -- I have the best friends ever! I love our Virtual Monday Sewing Group! So much fun to get together, and you would think after this long that we would run out of things to talk about. Nope! However, we have ZERO tolerance for anything political, those who used to be royals, and COVID (anything related to policy). I never want to shut someone down on a call, but if I have to, I will! 

Our calls are so much fun and well --- what happens at Monday Sewing stays at Monday sewing. A while back, we started a show and ...

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June 28, 2022
Why sewing on Zoom is better than inperson from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

OH -- Carla made a good point in her comment. Clutter in her house resulted from gifts people had given her in the past. And isn't that the truth! People think something is so cute and appropriate for you, or they just feel compelled to buy you a gift. The clutter is now gone in her house, and the new rule is NO GIFTS, please! Can you imagine the home of a school teacher? 

I LOVE her new rule, and while I haven't received too many gifts, I can see how it would add up. And think of how ...

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February 15, 2022
Monday gathering, not sewing from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

Yesterday was Monday Sewing. However, from my point of view -- it was more like Monday searching. 

I don't know how many times I went on a quest to find something for someone. I'm not sure if this was the first thing or not, but we got to chatting about the Piecemaker Calendars. I'm missing ONE -- the very first one that came out in 1988. Hmm --- the collective group has spotted it on eBay. But do I want to pay $40 US for it?? OK -- so I caved and sent an OFFER to the seller. Let's see ...

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March 23, 2021
Jen Kingwell groupies from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

 I'm pleased to report that I feel much better this morning. Not 100%, but much better. For some reason, my neck seems a bit stiff as well. I tried a new pillow last night, had a nap in the afternoon, ate salty chips, drank lots of water, had a wee chat with the doctor (no need for alarm). Thanks to everyone who sent e-mails and suggestions. We'll just see how things progress, but I think I'll cancel my chiro appointment this week. BTW - he did NOT adjust or go anywhere near my neck, so this can't ...

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March 16, 2021
Where did that deadline come from? from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!


So I was tidying up the Current Projects table a couple of days ago, and OH MY - what's this? Why that's the Trendtex Challenge for the upcoming Canadian Quilter's Association virtual quilt show in June. Hmm - what's the deadline? OH -- for the quilts to be part of the judging process, they need to be received by April 5. OH! 

Well, that's doable! When I first received the kit months ago, an idea had popped into my head, and no better idea came along. So I decided to go for it. Normally, I try to do ...

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December 18, 2019
Monday Sewing from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

It's a challenge sometimes to post about something the day after it occurs. Too much stuff happens at my house to stay totally on top of it.

I can't wait to share with you what happened yesterday. It was a scheduled CLEANUP day and oh boy - I'm literally dancing!!!  But that's for tomorrow.

Today, it's all about our Monday sewing and a few other things thrown in.

Since it was our last Monday sewing of the year, we had a pot luck lunch. I LOVE pot lucks! I'm always amazed at out how it ...

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  • monday mania
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